viernes, 6 de mayo de 2016

Sanada Yukimura - Walkthrough

✿Samurai Love Ballad : Party  - Walkthrough✿

❀ Sanada Yukimura ❀

❀ Episodio 1 : "Sanada And The Ten Braves"

I. Look away from Yukimura. 
II. Stare back at Yukimura. 

I. (I'm too scared to answer). 
II. No.

❀ Episodio 2 : "Yukimura's Teachings"

I. Hit him lightly. 
II. Hit him hard.

I. (Lord Yukimura, help me..!)
II.(Someone, help me..!)

❀ Episodio 3 : "The Man In The Fox Mask"

I. Sasuke, run.
II. Sasuke, go get help.✓ 

I. Of course I want to. 
II. I'm fine with staying weak.

Story Mission:
Love Route: Red hakama (cuesta 3 perlas) Obtienes CG.
Fate Route: Red sandals (cuesta 1 perla /500 monedas)
Obtienes: Entrada en el diario.




❀ Episodio 4 : "Moonlit Promise"

Parte 1 (2/5)
I.  Don't throw your life away! ✓ (+5)
II. You're taking this too far.

Parte 2 (4/5)
I. You've got it wrong. ✓ (+5)
II. Look at Saizo.

Story Mission: 
Se necesitan 100 skill points
Obtienes: Entrada en el diario, carta.

❀ Episodio 5 : "A Man's Responsability"

Parte 1 (3/5)
I. Please just calm down.
II. I'm thankful, but... ✓ (+5)

Parte 2 (4/5)
I. What do you intend to do? 
II. I want you to talk me. ✓ (+5)

Story Mission:
Love Route: Wanderer Kimono (cuesta 8 perlas) Obtienes CG.
Fate Route: Wanderer Parasol (5 perlas/2500 monedas)
Obtienes: Entrada en el diario, carta.

❀ Episodio 6 : "The Meaning Of Six Coins"

Parte 1 (2/5)
I. (I can't just sit here) 
II. Please let me. ✓ (+5)

Parte 2 (3/5)
I. Thank you. ✓ (+5)
II. I wouldn't say that.

Story Mission:
Se necesitan 8000 Skill Points
Obtienes: Entrada en el diario, carta.

❀ Episodio 7: "A Binding Promise"

Parte 1 (2/5)
I. What're you going to do?
II. This is awkward, isn't it? ✓ (+5)

Parte 2 (4/5)
I. I'm glad you enjoyed it.✓ (+5)
II. That was nothing.

Obtienes: Carta.

❀ Episodio 8: "I'm Home"

Parte 1 (1/5)
I. Of course not.
II. Does it seem that way? ✓ (+5)

Parte 2 (2/5)
I. I'm happy. ✓ (+5)
II. I'm relieved.

Story Mission:
Love Route: Festival kimono (cuesta 12 perlas) Obtienes CG.
Fate Route: Violet hairpin (8 perlas/4000 monedas)
Obtienes: Entrada en el diario, carta.

❀ Episodio 9: “Sanada Brothers, To Kyoto”

Parte 1 (1/5)
I. (That was close...though) ✓ (+5)
II. You are not interrupting.

Parte 2 (5/5)
I. But you've never worked in a restaurant.
II. I wouldn't feel right about it.✓ (+5)

Obtienes: Carta.

❀ Episodio 10 : "Bad Omen"

Parte 1 (1/5)
I. Was it more tiring than fighting?
II. Did you enjoy it? ✓ (+5)

Parte 2 (2/5)
I. (I wonder if he's ok..?)
II. (I know he's ok) ✓ (+5)

Story Mission:
Se necesitan 25000 Skill Points
Obtienes: Entrada en el diario, carta.

❀ Episodio 11 : "A Will To Live"

Parte 1 (2/5)
I. Silently live.
II. I'm sorry to interrupt. ✓ (+5)

Parte 2 (3/5)
I. I definitely won't. ✓ (+5)
II. I couldn't if I want to. 

Obtienes: Entrada en el diario, carta.

❀ Episodio 12: "Surprise Attack"

Parte 1 (2/5)
I. Say nothing. ✓ (+5)
II. It's the worst I've ever dealt with. 

Parte 2 (3/5)
I. You're right about that.
II. But I want to. ✓ (+5)


DIVINE ENDING: 55 Chemistry, 43000 Skill Points
NOBLE ENDING: 43000 Skill Points


❀ Episodio 13: "Reason To Live (Divine Ending)"

-Sin selección-

Obtienes: Carta, CG, y avatar: Lady Sanada kimono.

❀ EPÍLOGO: "A Wife's Promise"

-Sin selección-

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